Super Feeler
Dive into the experiences of living with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).
Hear powerful stories from individuals with lived experience, their families, researchers, and mental health professionals. Each episode provides a strength-based perspective on mental health, filled with humor, raw emotion, and validation.
Every other week you will learn from a group of Super Feelers about how they navigate the world using Dialectic Behavioural Therapy skills.
Whether you’re navigating these challenges yourself, supporting a loved one, or simply looking to understand more about the complexities of emotional regulation, Super Feeler is here to inform, inspire, and connect.
Subscribe to the pod to find hope, understanding, and community on your feed every week.
Together, we explore the complexities of these conditions in a way that celebrates the beauty of feeling strongly.
Super Feeler
DBT Skills: Check the Facts and Emotion Regulation Overview
We're diving into the complexities of emotion regulation as we start unit 3 of our DBT Skills Series. Together Dave, Laurie and Megan explore the role of emotion regulation skills in our life, what our core values are, and how we use the dialectical behaviour therapy skill Check the Facts in our lives.
Get your own copy of 'DBT for Life' by Diana Partington to follow along with us!
If you want to support the show, dive deeper into the world of super feeling and for tons of bonus content please consider subscribing to the Super Feeler patreon page.
Click here to register for The Super Feelers Club (the peer support group)
If you are needing mental health support or someone to talk to, please connect with your local crisis line or call or text 988 in Canada or the US or find a local line
Don't forget to follow us on social media (@thesuperfeeler) and subscribe to our podcast for new episodes and updates. Your subscriptions, downloads, and reviews mean the world to us!
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