Super Feeler

Taking Action Against Stigma (feat. Sonia)

Laurie Edmundson

Sonia (@_soniastewart_) is a great example of what it means to be an ally to people with specific highly stigmatized mental health challenges and what you can do to help break down stigma when you see it. Sonia is a Masters of Counselling student who reached out to Laurie after her program was providing stigmatizing, unbiased and harmful stereotypes in their course work about BPD. 

She knew that it was important for her cohort to hear from someone who lives with BPD and does lots of advocacy on stigma to better support them clinicians. She believes that by doing so they can learn to work with the person in front of us, not by their label or what the DSM-5 tells us we should expect.

To learn more about Laurie and Sonia's friend Brent you can watch his Ted Talk about living with Schizophrenia here

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