Super Feeler

Introducing The Super Feeler Podcast (feat. Dean)

August 23, 2024 Laurie Edmundson Episode 1

Welcome to the Super Feeler podcast! In this first episode Laurie and her dad, Dean, we're here to introduce the concept of Super Feelers and share a bit about Laurie's life story with a variety of mental health issues including borderline personality disorder, anxiety, panic disorder, and some possible undiagnosed conditions like OCD and a couple of eating disorders. She also talks about her physical health challenges, such as chronic pain and SVT. 

Laurie explains her decision to be open about her diagnoses and the importance of destigmatizing borderline personality disorder, the value of peer support and the beauty of her peer support program called The Super Feelers Club, and what to expect on the podcast in the future! 

If you want to support the show, dive deeper into the world of super feeling and for tons of bonus content please consider subscribing to the Super Feeler patreon page.

Click here to register for The Super Feelers Club (the peer support group)

If you are needing mental health support or someone to talk to, please connect with your local crisis line or call or text 988 in Canada or the US or find a local line

Don't forget to follow us on social media (@thesuperfeeler) and subscribe to our podcast for new episodes and updates. Your subscriptions, downloads, and reviews mean the world to us!

Thank you for listening!